Friday, August 30, 2013

Hello world!!

Well here I am, starting this blog! I'm excited about the possibilities that are to come with blogging. My mom has a blog, I would consider her a professional blogger, or at least semi-professional. As I've watched her & her blog blossom over the last few years, I knew that this was something I should be doing. I just had no idea what I could blog about that would be interesting for me, and more importantly, interesting for you and the rest of the world. I think I've finally come to a conclusion. I am going into this blog with the thoughts of reviewing. I will start by reviewing products, and go from there. I figure, everyone wants to know the thoughts on a new product they're considering using, right? I know I personally look at reviews constantly! Why have I not been blogging about products all along??

So, you ask, what's with the name of the blog? Well I figure, I'm giving you my personal thoughts on these products (or whatever it may be), therefore I am letting you "Inside My Bubble". Years ago, a couple of friends of mine were being silly (Friend A & Friend B we'll call them).Friend B was getting too close to Friend A. Friend A proceeded to ask Friend B to get out of Friend A's bubble in an angry yet playful tone. I thought it was the funniest thing and have loved talking about my bubble ever since!

So here I am, bubble and all, and I'm ready to do this! I hope this will be as fun as I think it will be. I welcome all comments, however if they are rated R, they will be deleted. Thanks for your support!

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