Monday, September 9, 2013

Snuggle Exhilarations

The New & Improved Snuggle Exhilarations are fabulous!! This product amazes me. I have always wanted a fabric softener that I could actually smell on my clothes. Not just when I took them out of the dryer, I wanted to smell them a week later when I actually put on the clothes! I never could accomplish this task, as hard as I tried. My dreams have come true! Snuggle Exhilarations did the job for me! I actually want to "snuggle" with my clothes as I'm folding them. The bottle promises that the scent lasts from wash to wash, and from my experience, it does! These products are also safe for High Efficiency machines and can be purchased at most of your local retailers, such as Wal Mart.

The fabulous scents that are offered are:

White Lavender & Sandalwood               

Blue Iris & Bamboo Silk

Wild Orchid & Vanilla

White Lilac & Spring Flowers

Sweet Blossom & Wildflowers

I personally have tried White Lavender & Sandalwood and Blue Iris & Bamboo Silk in the liquid fabric softener. They both smelled great & I am super excited to experience the rest!  If you, like me, love to smell the fabric softener in your clothing, this product is for you!

For more information, visit Snuggle:

Check out ebates for coupons and cash back rebates: Ebates

I purchased this product myself and this post is based on my opinion alone. Snuggle did not compensate me for this review.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Disney Princess Beauty in Bloom Playland Ball Pit

Last week, I ventured out to our local retailer to get a couple birthday gifts needed for a party we were planning to attend. I made the mistake of taking my 2 girls with me. If you're a parent you know just how dangerous it can be to take children into the toy aisle when you have no intention of buying them anything! It's as if you are practicing water torture on them! Well the toy that caught their eyes was the Disney Princess Beauty in Bloom Playland Ball Pit. We had recently acquired a set of 100 balls but had no where to store them so they were being stored in a cardboard box, I know not cute, but it works. The girls argued that this would be the perfect storage for their balls. The ball pit was so cute, and we did need a nicer looking storage for the rest of our balls! As you can imagine, I came home with the ball pit.When we opened the box, I was pleasantly surprised. The colors are bright with images of Disney Princesses. The plastic is durable and ours has already been through some pretty rough play. The ball pit resembles a tent that the girls can hide in. Two sides are fully open for in and out access, the other two sides have holes that the girls throw the balls through, but are mostly enclosed. The pit cam with 20 balls. I would suggest getting more balls if you would like to fill the bottom of the pit, the 20 balls that it came with did not accomplish this. We added our 100 additional balls and had PLENTY of balls to cover the bottom. The recommended age for this activity is 2-5, but I think most children will enjoy it! Have fun with your new Disney Princess Beauty in Bloom Playland Ball Pit! Let me know what you think of yours!

You can find more information on this product on the website of most retailers, such as Target, Walmart, and Toys R Us, or +Disney Store

Check out ebates for coupons and cash back rebates: Ebates
As usual, everything stated in this post is based strictly on my opinion.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Herbal Essences Body Wash

So everyone has heard of (and hopefully smelled) Herbal Essences Shampoo & Conditioner? The scents are AMAZING!Some of you will probably remember the old commercials for the shampoo & conditioner. The commercial of the lady in the shower & her "exciting" experience washing her hair?
I'll give you a link for those that need a refresher or have never seen one..

OK, so now back to the body washes! There are 3 great scents:

Body Burst Body Wash (Orange bottle) is a citrus scent.
Happy Go Lather Body Wash (Pink bottle) is a floral scent.
Hello Hydration Body Wash (Blue bottle) is a tropical, coconut scent.

Herbal Essences prides themselves on their nature inspired scents and the exhilarating washing experience that will follow using their products.

I personally have always loved their products and the body washed delivered the same results. I love them! I have used Happy Go Lather and Hello Hydration (I will be purchasing Body Burst soon!). Both products left me feeling clean, happy, and feeling like I would allow anyone in the world to smell me! (They're that good!). Only a small amount is required (I think I typically use about the size of a quarter) I had a good amount of suds without the feeling of needing more.I highly recommend this product and you can purchase it at your local retailer or grocery store.

For more information on Herbal Essences, please visit:

For information on the Body Wash or how to purchase them, visit:

Or visit +Herbal Essences on Google +

Check out ebates for coupons and cash back rebates: Ebates 

The above information is based strictly on my opinion.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Jergens Natural Glow

Hello again! The first product I am going to tell you about is my personal summer favorite! It is Jergens Natural Glow moisturizer. It is a self tanning lotion that actually works! I have been using this product for years and I have never been more satisfied with a self tanner. I have tried several others that leave you with dark orange/brown streaks and spots (especially between your fingers and on your elbows/knees). Who wants to walk around looking like a mess? Not me! Jergens Natural Glow does not have this effect on me. Use the lotion daily, and within 24 hours your skin will be a hint darker. As you continue to apply the product, your skin will continue to get darker (make sure to wash your hands after you finished application). Once you have reached the tone that you desire, maintain the tan by using less frequently. There is also a separate moisturizer made specially for your face. This product has SPF 20 sunscreen already in the moisturizer and it is oil-free to prevent any break outs. I think in general, more and more people are becoming aware of the dangers of the sun and its rays. I still love the sun, but I am definitely careful when I'm exposed. The problem is that I also enjoy having a tan. Jergens Natural Glow solved my problem! I can have a natural looking tan, without the fear of developing wrinkles & Melanoma! Love it, highly recommend it! Try it! Let me know what you think!

+Melanoma Research Foundation

Check out the Jergens website for more info:

Check out the Skin Cancer Foundation's website for more info on Melanoma:

Check out ebates for coupons and cash back rebates: Ebates

Hello world!!

Well here I am, starting this blog! I'm excited about the possibilities that are to come with blogging. My mom has a blog, I would consider her a professional blogger, or at least semi-professional. As I've watched her & her blog blossom over the last few years, I knew that this was something I should be doing. I just had no idea what I could blog about that would be interesting for me, and more importantly, interesting for you and the rest of the world. I think I've finally come to a conclusion. I am going into this blog with the thoughts of reviewing. I will start by reviewing products, and go from there. I figure, everyone wants to know the thoughts on a new product they're considering using, right? I know I personally look at reviews constantly! Why have I not been blogging about products all along??

So, you ask, what's with the name of the blog? Well I figure, I'm giving you my personal thoughts on these products (or whatever it may be), therefore I am letting you "Inside My Bubble". Years ago, a couple of friends of mine were being silly (Friend A & Friend B we'll call them).Friend B was getting too close to Friend A. Friend A proceeded to ask Friend B to get out of Friend A's bubble in an angry yet playful tone. I thought it was the funniest thing and have loved talking about my bubble ever since!

So here I am, bubble and all, and I'm ready to do this! I hope this will be as fun as I think it will be. I welcome all comments, however if they are rated R, they will be deleted. Thanks for your support!